What is MicroLearning?

From a concept first presented in an Austrian diploma thesis in 2004 to a powerful tool used by global players such as Samsung, voestalpine & others in 2017

MicroLearning Screen Saver, 2004



MicroLearning Desktop Application, 2017

It was a long way…


You find some key publications in the field of microlearning research here for free:


1. Recommended Introductory Paper:


2. MicroLearning in Medicine & Health:


3. MicroLearning & Gamification:


4. Social MicroLearning:

Bernhard Göschlberger, Researcher & Mobile Software Developer heads the Mobile Knowledge Lab at Research Studios Austria and is the pioneer of Social MicroLearning.


And finally, do you want to participate in an elaborated discussion on pros and cons of MicroLearning? We recommend this posting (2017) and this reply (2017) as a starter!


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