MicroLearning 9.0 | 2018

Digital Learning 4.0

What comes after e-Learning and Knowledge Management?

Latest trends in short forms of learning such as:

  • Automatization
  • Social MicroLearning
  • ePortfolios
  • Performance Measurements
  • Learning with Bots

A call for papers and further details concerning time and venue will be published here as soon as possible. Meanwhile, have a look back to our successful 2016 conference on MicroLearning in Medicine & Health in Austria or read the story about MicroLearning as the top HR trend.


Conference 2016

Background to the conference profile | MicroLearning in Medicine and Health | Mobile learning and the effective integration of MicroLearning in medical education and trainings of health professionals

The conference was held in the heart of Austria – Graz is one of the most picturesque cities in Austria, close to Vienna and the cultural and social center and capital of Styria.


Impressions from the conference

Univ. Prof. Dr. Josef Smolle & Prof. DDr. Peter A. Bruck

Univ. Prof. Dr. Josef Smolle & Prof. DDr. Peter A. Bruck

Univ. Prof. Dr. Josef Smolle

Bernhard Göschlberger MLBT MSc BSc

DI Dr. Christian Kittl

Univ. Prof. Dipl. Ing. Dr. Werner Leodolter

Prof. Smolle & Prof. Leodolter

Univ. Prof. Dipl. Inf. Dr. Stefanie Lindstaedt

Martin Riemer via Skype & Prof. Bruck

Univ. Prof. DDr. Johann Höller

Ass. Prof. Mag. Dr. Elisabeth Katzlinger-Felhofer

MMag. Dr. Elke Lackner

Mag. Claudia Zimmermann MSc

DI (FH) Gregor Cholewa

Andreas Strouhal MD

Jordi Serrano Pons

A follow-up story of the conference is here. A PDF with the full programme is archived here.

This was MicroLearning 8.0…

… The 8th international conference on MicroLearning: 50 speakers and participants from Germany, Austria and Spain came together for this unique event.

An interactive conference…

… MicroLearning 8.0 was a different kind of meeting: it was a workshop conference. It was about personal meetings and sustainable exchange, blending the different perspectives of technologists & academics, practitioners & health professionals

Looking at learning on mobile devices…

…Regarding the effective integration of MicroLearning in medical education and trainings of health professionals. The assessment of learner motivation and learning outcomes has become more and more a crucial issues regarding integrating MicroLearning as a different form of knowledge acquisition and mobile technologies in its delivery. The creation of compelling learning experiences needs to be related to increases in effectiveness and attainment of learning objectives.

Microcontent based learning applications are designed to address learning objectives specific to medical education and the trainings of health care professionals. They bring learning into fast-paced environments that require knowledge-built up, where learning is been difficult to achieve. Looking at integration into a blended learning approach is important to justify the use of mobile technologies and micro learning approaches.

MicroLearning – a digital approach…

… Closing knowledge gaps. Lots of material has to be learned and the time available seems much too limited. Why? Too little time and too much information. MicroLearning structures learning into short activities.

MicroLearning – the propositional design…

… Supporting cognitive learning.

Reduce rhetoric and unnecessary text and focus on content on its propositional essence. MicroLearning uses technological support to call for less rather than more work by the learner, but also more regular learning.

Along with “Mobile Learning”, “Rapid Learning” or “Workflow-integrated Learning” merge to meet the challenges of design of learning applications and strategies in formal and informal contexts.


Additional topics

•    Best Practice in e-Learning in Medicine and Health: Mobile Learning Outcomes and MicroLearning

•    Didactic forms of mobile learning for Doctors and Health professionals: Current Approaches and Developments in Continuing Education

•    Mobile Learning: Case Studies from the Higher Education Sector; Case Studies from the Hospital Training Sector; Case Studies from the Care Giving Sector

•    Mobile Learning Experiences: Designing Effective Mobile Learning Environments; Increasing the Return on Training Investments

•    Mobile Learning Outcomes | Strategies and Measurements: Certification Schemes; Translating Outcome Measurements into new projects

•    Mobile Learning | MicroLearning: “Solution Pitches” for 5 minutes for each provider