Intel Director Martina Roth and RSA FG General Manager Peter A. Bruck reaffirmed both partners’ cooperation in the coming years at the “ML 5.0 – 5th International MicroLearning Conference”, held July 7 – 8 in Innsbruck, Austria.

Dr. Martina Roth supervises Intel’s “Global Education Strategy” for the world’s largest chip manufacturer. Intel hosts education programs around the world. Besides continuing and expanding future MicroLearning Conferences, the cooperation will focus on integrating MicroLearning into global education projects.

knowledgepulse pictureMicroLearning with the KnowledgePulse® features a learning technology that is ideally suited to mobile phones, tablets and computers and can be integrated very well into Intel’s education policy.

Intel aims to provide as many people as possible with access to modern education and to support the necessary societal changes with its corporate know-how. Sustainable societal changes – like learning – are most successful when they take place in small, continuous steps.

MicroLearning employs the same strategy: Learning content is steadily processed in small learning steps and memorized lastingly. Targeted education can transform conventional societies into knowledge societies. MicroLearning with the KnowledgePulse® facilitates the transformation of information into solid knowledge. The RSA FG intends to vigorously support Intel’s education initiatives with the MicroLearning approach.

About MicroLearning 5.0 – Article in the Gulf Daily News